Have you ever been on the verge of buying something for one of your kids and then wondered whether you should have read reviews about the product from other parents before handing over your money?! If so, check out this fun and informative site called Parentricity! This FREE web-site helps both moms and dads on making knowledgeable purchasing decisions for their children. They use social networking to provide a place where parents can find and share what products their friends and other parents have in order to make informed purchases for their young children. Parentricity is focused on bringing recommendations and reviews of products by real parents.
One of the new initiatives they are trying in order to keep the content fresh and updated is called the Product Rating & Review program...To start parents are asked to rate and review products that they currently have or used for their children. It can be toys, strollers, bottles, books, music, car seats, etc. Parents are asked to give their honest thoughts and opinions on the products. The next step in the program is to have Parentricity advertisers send products to real parents to try their products and rate and review them. By doing this you will let other moms and dads know what you think of them. Pretty cool! Click here to check it out. Happy informed shopping!!